Ups and downs

So… life can be a funny ol bitch sometimes.

As you know, I have been extremely depressed lately. Extremely so.

This morning I woke up and was over the moon: a friend very kindly bought me the new remake of resident evil 1, and I am a huge resi fan.

So, super excited, I installed it, ran it… and it cant.
Even turning everything down to bare minimum or off, it gets maybe 4 frames per second. Utterly unplayable.

Which rather destroyed the huge joy boost the gift created.

*sigh* I guess thats yet another reason to work harder and produce things so I can have a career, but, it was very disheartening.

😦 poop.

Well. Work work work, I guess.

Experiment 1: Results so far

So, this afternoon I talked to a friend about ideas on how to… well, basically, “given that the medical side of things is out of my control, what can I do to detour around the issue and thus cause creativity?”

And we discussed for a while, short version, came to the old conclusions. Namely,

1: Need to get out of the house, new environment

2: Just need to fucking DO it. You just MUST do your skill/art, whatever it may be, and even if what you produce at that time is crap. Experts have talked about how they force themselves to write 2000 words before lunch, even if they’re just describing the little pen holder on their desk, or musicians will just do scales for an hour. You just have to do SOMETHING. anything you do is a tiny bit of progress. can be big progress or barely any, but anything above zero or negative is a good thing. Chris gave(has given) the analogy of if you talk to 20 girls and only one likes you, it can seem like you failed 19 times. but if you really think about it, what actually happened is that you won. You failed a bunch at first, sure. but you did win in the end. Everybody fails, but if you keep trying, success is sorta inevitable. And those 19 failures may hurt, but that’s better than the shy guy who doesn’t speak to any at all. He can /never/ win, but the guy who keeps at it, even with 95% failure rate, eventually gets that 5% and wins. tadaa.


So, what I did was go to a local coffee shop, had my Tea, Earl Grey, Hot, and sat down to write something. anything.

What I decided on was, well, I sorta did a self diagnostic and knew I couldn’t really create anything right now. The mood just wasn’t right. However, what I could do was still work: namely, I can analyze things similar to one of the projects I want to do, really consider them, break them down, try to figure out why they work, what makes them a success, what are the key elements, etc, and see what I can learn and apply to my own work.

I did this for about 90 minutes, and actually ended up with 3 pages of stuff. So, that’s surprisingly fruitful. honestly, far more than I expected. I rather negatively expected I’d only get a few sentences or bullet points jotted down at best. so, 3 pages is a solid win, given my expectations. Kinda like going to vegas with 20 bucks hoping to make at least 30 or so, and ended up winning 150. Didn’t break the bank, but it did go much better than expected.

Though it does seem to give a lot of support to the general theory of getting out of the house=good, even when I feel like shit (my dad gave me his delightful cold. -__- and because of these new meds I’m actually quite dehydrated and haven’t been eating. I managed a few mouthfuls of chicken noodle soup tonight and a fiber energy bar last night, but yeah. I’m unwell.) Still, again, the point is progress, damnit.

Even these little baby steps are better than nothing at all. I was doing nothing, now I’ve done something, even if it was just analytics and writing down thoughts, its better than sitting on my ass in my room hiding from terrifying reality.


….granted, I am sorta trying to create a career where the whole point of the career is hiding from shitty reality via making up new ones and sharing those with other people who also want to escape for a few minutes, but come on, this is a win. I went out in public, I didn’t freak out, and I actually got some work done, however minor.


Also, on a fun note, for the first hour I was seriously craving nicotine (because, well, I was stressed.) But I was afraid of being yelled at by some strangers or something for vaping… I eventually decided fuck it and took a few hits, and no one batted an eye, so I just continued. No one even gave me a dirty look or anything. So, that’s nice to know.

Cynically, I’m sure eventually someone will bitch about it, but since there isn’t actually a law against it, they can’t actually stop me, and in any case if they just ask nicely I’d put it away until they left or just ask one of us to move to a different spot. *shrug*

Again, small wins.

Get enough small wins, they can add up to big wins.

TL;DR: fuck yeah, progress.

Oh, and on a funny note: I had my headphones in fairly loud so I couldn’t hear what they were saying but a funny thing happened right at closing time. I left about 2 minutes before close, and as I was packing up a family of about 8-9 people, mostly kids and a very angry looking mom, who were all shouting and gesticulating and apparently really wanted coffee right fucking now. ….I’d be very interested to know the little story behind that. what causes such people to rush in and really need coffee at 9pm, and more specifically a family of mostly fairly little kids. Huh.

Also, I had a little smirk moment of looking around the coffee shop… I was a guy who was in a coffee shop working on writing, and there’s that demeaning stereotype of the hipster douche with his (always mac) laptop and fancy latte in a coffee shop who swears he’s “working on his novel” but never actually does shit. So I appreciated the irony of 1: there was an uber-hipster in one corner who had a mac, which was on a little… knitted pillow support thing, and he had the whole nine yards of hipster accessories (skinny jeans, retro glasses, plaid, etc) who also had massive can-style headphones who typed maybe 4 times in the roughly 2 hours I was there. And this observation was made all the funnier by me being a person who is “a writer” and in a coffee shop. …The key difference being of course, I actually did work. which itself is extra funny, since I’ve been struggling to work for a while now, and going to a coffee shop actually got a result.

dunno, I just find that sorta cosmically/karmically funny.

So, to keep you in the loop…

Here’s the thing.

1: I have a number of problems at the moment.

2: I also have quite a lot of plans, backup plans, back up of back up plans, alternate plans, and so on. I tend to like to stack the odds heavily in my favor, and have a solution to any problem I can see in future. So, in short, I know what I ought to do.

3: however… the problems are… essentially outside my ability to alter, at present. An analogy might be that you can have every piece of safety equipment ever for rock climbing, even a parachute and 5x extra pitons, super rope, multiple points of failure control… but a stupid eagle or something could dislodge a rock above you and it smashes your head. And you can… predict that, but theres nothing you can do to directly counteract it, other than be aware of it and try to adjust accordingly.

To that end, my current problem is… well, hard to sum up exactly, but I guess in brief it goes A: I started my new meds a couple days ago. B: over these past couple days, I have been so insanely depressed and apathetic to the point of hungering for suicide nearly constantly, and thus Ive hidden myself away in videogames every waking moment for the time being. I do this because it is a distraction from the dark thoughts, and I had hoped/ do hope that doing something objectively fun will kick me out of my subjective depression and lack of fun. So far, no. Though there have been… fleeting moments where I feel those little sparks of ideas, the sparks Ive been trying to get back in general for the last few months and turn them into the flames they used to be.

Further, objectively I can look at myself and my past and medical studies and try to draw some observations and educated guesses. For example, this depression could be a reaction to adjusting to the new drugs and thus will pass in a few days. Or it could be the drugs themselves, and thus not pass. Or it could be simply a wave of despair, that can just happen sometimes, and again will thus pass with time. Or it could be because of some resent events, and until those are corrected, I may just be sad about them.

…all in all though, the only logical recourse is to, for the moment, wait. A few more days. If its not better within 10 total days (the estimated time given for my brain to adjust to a new drug of this type), then I start contacting doctor and tweaking factors in the experiment, having established something of a ‘control’.

However, I do have a couple observations, which I thought Id write out here… to get my thoughts down at least, and hell maybe some of you will find this interesting, or if you have similar issues yourself, might be helpful.

1: I am… cold. Not temperature, I mean emotionally. I am normally quite empathetic to others pains, and now when I hear of them I still /care/ but I dont feel the usual empathetic emotional response. I frankly feel very… vulcan. I can recognize you are in pain, and I can genuinely want to help you. But I dont… feel for you. Its just… the right thing to do so I do so. Its a bit difficult to verbalize emotions at the best of times, more so now that I sort of dont have any, and yet… theyre still there, just… kind of at arms’ length.

2: however, somewhat counter to that, I went and did the grocerie and meds shopping since my dad is quite sick today (don’t worry. Just a very strong cold.) While shopping, I was out of the house, out of my little attic recluse, and I… well, I did what Ive spoken to my shrink and a couple close friends about: I was this other me. Not… a multiple personality disorder type thing, but just a sort of different lens that I am… aware of. Its quite a long story… but then since I have nothing else to do at the moment, and this is sort of just writing down scientific observations for myself anyway, I shall elaborate. Basically, it has a number of factors. Firstly, I seem to have sort of 2 major attitudes, not counting the “something is wrong” attitude set, which is, for an apt example, when I’m on new meds or extremely sick/in huge pain, and similar scenarios that mess with my perception. Those are not really me, theyre more… animalian response sets. So, that third, which is a blob of various possible causes, does not count as one of the two major forms of scully you’ll encounter. These two major… “facades”,– though theyre not artificial or forced or faked,– theyre just… overarching mood archetypes I seem to go in. The two main ones are
A: the cold, logical, somewhat dark, incredibly analytical, quieter, impatient, intellectual and if Im honest probably a bit elitist, side. This is the…persona, the version of me, where I plan everything, observe as objectively as possible, and try to be the most rational and… basically a friggin Vulcan mixed with a bit of sherlock holmes or hannibal lecter.
B: the fun, quick witted, funny, always ready to try something new, eager to explore and discover, goofy (eg, crossdressing at 4am for a laugh with friends), fairly suave, somewhat vain, highly emotional and really artsy persona/version of me.

…however, that all said, I know from memory and from others’ comments about me that there was a time when I was a pretty good balance of both. Analytical, intellectual, logical, plan ahead, rational, objective, but also empathetic, fun loving, funny, feeling and creating type person.

This third state, which my friend Kris calls “seth” (very long story, which I will never explain), is the one I am trying to get back to. I have had a great many bad things happen, both physically and psychologically/emotionally in the last couple years which has… warped me. I and friends and shrinks can all see that. So, as said before about my irritstion that lately I write 5 stories a year at my best effort and previously I wrote 500 without trying, it seems a fairly logical inference that getting back to that state is best for all concerned. I’m happy and productive again, which allows me to make a living, have a life, and so on, and for others I’m a better person/friend and more fun to be with. Win-win, right?

Thats what all these meds and therapies and experiments are all about. I’m trying to get that ‘seth’ version of me back. The ultimate version of me, to maximize my life and potential.

Ive had quite a lot of time to think about all this over the last few years. On my own, and with friends and psychologists and doctors and so on. In short: that is what must happen.

…but the trick is getting it TO happen.

Which is how we get here now.

So, back to my point of a few paragraphs ago, when grocerie shopping I… consciously and unconsciously tried to be that. I was calculating and logical: did my task cooly and efficiently, but I was also fun: I smiled at people, I made jokes with a little old lady who liked my hat, I listened to and actually felt some music, and similar things.

Which… granted, isnt a whole lot of data to go on, but I currently think a fairly logical takeaway from that is that the theory positted by some shrinks and others–namely, that I need to get out of the house and be around actual humans because solitary confinement does terrible things to the mind–is correct.

So, the next steps are to fiddle with variables in the experiment. Assuming access (weather, health, and so on) I will go and try to do some work in a place with people, like a coffee shop or pub or library. Even if I dont talk to anyone, from what I’ve been told and read, simply being around other people, especially in a new environment, helps the mind. So, I shall attempt this promptly.

Next thing I want to fiddle with is “working” with other people. I put quotes around the word because they wouldnt exactly be co-writing with me, but I would quite like having someone(or several) who… give a fuck about me, are interested in my work, and are happy to discuss it. For most of my life, I had a “best friend” (quotes here because he turned out to be unbelieveably hurtful, and his betrayal is part of why I have such bad psych issues at the moment) and he and I would just… friggin talk. We’d discuss the new ideas for stories and worlds and characrers and whatever, and just… TALK. Share, think, and my creativity would feed off the new ideas and inspirations and different perspectives and talkjng things out just really helps you think.

Hell, thats sorta why Im writing this now, eh?

So… I hope to find a new one(s). Loneliness is also a big contributor to my despair and apathetic depression. I am currently reaching out to a couple people with… flashes of success. Further experimentation and observation is necessary to really proceed in any meaningful quantity there.


So… that’s why Ive been so quiet lately, really. Between medications and hardhsips and my damned uncooperative brain, I just… I literally CAN’T write or create. Even a stupid blog post.

The reason I wrote this one is… well, for one I forced myself to out of guilt for not posting in a while, for two I am currently trapped in the bathroom and its either do this or stare at the wall so I chose this, and for three… I dunno. I felt compelled to somewhat, and the logical side of my brain reasoned that writing things out might help me see them in a new way or simply be therapeutic, since, as previously mentioned, I dont really have anyone to confide in anymore, might as well put it here.


Observationally, I do feel sorta… more clear headed now that Ive written all this out. Which again seems to point towards the whole “being all alone is making you crazier, damnit” thing. So, get out of the house more, and…
….I’m not sure how to put this second thought.
…hope that the friends I currently suspect I have, actually are, and that they will help.

….however, the cold side of me points out in general in my life experience, I can’t rely on other people. Over the last 2 years or so Ive tried to adopt a new policy of “assume they will not be of help, and make sure you can ‘win’ without them. That way, if they turn out bad as many others have, you still win, and if they turn out to be good people, then you just win extra. This way, its much harder to lose.”
I realize that might sound “mean” but it really isnt, its just… cold and objective. Im not saying my friends are bad, not at all. Im just saying many have turned out to be so, and thus if I can be prepared to win in that sad eventuality, Ill still win. It’s… only logical.

*shrug* Of course, if i’m honest, Id love to think I can just trust and rely on my friends by default. But we dont live in that world. And, well, learn from history. Id never do anything to harm a friend, but given that others have not shared that view, even ones I trusted for vast chunks of my entire life, it is perfectly reasonable to prepare for that to happen again, and plan accordingly.


I observe a great deal. I try to… ‘get’ people. And as far as I can tell, most people dont have this/these problem(s).

Ha, then again, one shrink did say candidly that they were amazed how… not crazy I am, given that I have quote: “had more horrible experiences in the last few years than most do in an entire lifetime or more.” 

*shrug* all in all?
TL;DR: I’m still figuring shit out.

And we just have to see what happens.

But really… that’s life. In a nutshell. Life is about effort and adaptation. From microbial all the way up to us. You keep trying, keep adapting… until you die. Welcome to life.


Update on short stories

So, I was sick for quite a long time today. But I tried to use some of that time to get some work done. I planned out rouhhly 63 (depending how you count some of them) themes to use for the 5-packs of short stories im going to make. As in, each 5-pack will have a theme such as criminals in the future or romantic comedies, and I planned a bunch of those out. Thats step 1 in the plan of making a bunch of stories to show y’all.

Step 1: plan out general idea of the 5-packs (note that since Ill theoretically be doing these for the rest of my life, I simply planned out “a bunch”)

Step 2: plan out (lil paragraph and/or bullet points) all of the stories that go into those packs

Step 3: write the damn things

Step 4: release one of the 5 stories here on my site, and then you have to buy the kindle version for the rest of them. At 2 bucks a pop and hundreds, nay thousands of hours of my work, i think thats a pretty neato deal dont you? :p “first hit is free” and all that.

Step 5: ?????

Step 6: profit

So, thats the plan. I can feel accomplished that even though I was so sick I genuinely wondered if I was dying for much of the day, I got a great leap forward in work done. Hooray.

Hope youre looking forward to them!


Handful of random thoughts

1: Ive heard male voice actors do pretty convincing girls and women, and ive heard female voice actors do pretty convincing boys, but not men. I wonder why that is.

2: when we colonize other planets, I wonder about setting up times and time zones etc. Assuming we have instant communication synchronization wont exactly be an issue, but
A: how do you determine the date line and time zones on an exoplanet
B: what if the planet has irregular hours, like only 17 in a day, or 50 in a day. Do you just treat it like alaska where day night cycles are kinda bullshit and you just go by hours?
C: even if it were a 24 hour day planet, how do you decide when/where to set the dateline so it all synchs up nicely? Geographically, or relating to earth time, or what
D: what if its in the goldilocks zone and quite habitable but doesnt spin at all, or so slowly as to be irrelevant?

3: when we make contact with a species like us and break the language barrier and so on, who gets to decide what is called what in the stars? We call it scorpio, they call it xgnt. Who gets to say what the official interspecies name is?

4: i have created several fictional universes which are quite fleshed out and used for various things. Each has a name, but what should i call my creative worlds as a whole? The skulliverse or something? Sounds silly.

5: I used to really enjoy (some) manga, but I havent actually sat down and read one, other than referencing a page for visual design, not actually read one in… probably over 2 years. Maybe I should go reread one just for the hell of it.

6: knew a guy who refused to eat mushrooms because he “knows what they are and its disgusting.” …fair enough i guess, but he also ate more cheese than anyone I know and especially the extra moldy ones. So… huh.

7: Ive hated bright light and especially sunlight for as long as I can remember. It just makes me uncomfortable and unhappy. And then recently I read a study showing a number of the drugs i was on as a child cause photophobia: the general dread and discomfort of sunlight and bright lights. Soooooo that might explain a lot. A lot a lot.

8: i once was seated next to an australian on a plane who seemed quite jovial and friendly but his accent was so horrible I couldnt understand a goddamn thing he said. Eventually I had had enough and pointed to the stewardess, to whom I had occasionally spoken with my memory of 3rd grade french (this was out of paris) and shouted at the ausssie “SHE UNDERSTANDS MY KINDERGARTEN LEVEL FRENCH BETTER THAN I CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR TROGLEDYTE VERSION OF ‘FLUENT’ ENGLISH. SPEAK. ENGLISH. PLEASE.” And he just got all sad and then I felt bad and eventually he said in more intelligible tones “ahm sorry mate, ah thought people found the overdone accent charmin. Ah guess not then eh?” And then he went to staring out the window for the rest of the flight. So that was odd.

9: Random observation: computer screens have almost always been landscape, phones are portrait. And actually, come to think of it, both started as squares and got more and more rectangular as they got better, but in opposite directions. Interesting.

10: Im told getting a lordship (title) is actually as easy as some paper work and £2400. …I am severely tempted to do this, and get more tempted every time I see a form that asks if you have a suffix (like ‘doctor’) because being legally required for cops etc to call me Lord Scully would be quite entertaining. Id love for a nurse to say m’lord and curtsey when Im in the hospital. Granted, they probably wouldnt, but Id try to make it happen. And get a giggle out of it every single time. Plus, that’s gotta be a good pick up line somehow.
