A pun possibility I am proud of

😀 hehe. so, I have a dear friend who is a camgirl, and she hasn’t txtd back in like a week. she just did, saying “sorry, I have been working a lot of extra hours to make up for lost income.” and I sent back “I am extremely disappointed. no where else could you have said ‘I am working my fucking ass off.’ and had it be literal.”

Heeheehee 😀

Some people say puns are lame comedy. I say youre just not doing them right 😀 wordplay is great.

Also, on a related note, I had the thought the other day that you can tell when you have truly gained fluency in a second language when you can make puns in it. 🙂

Initial observations on fear, pt 1

Interesting observation on fear. I think there may be two large… categories. Fear in which you feel you have control/advantage and might lose it, and fear in which you feel you dont have any control/advantages and thus need some. I think, upon rereading this, it is an… abstract extrapolation of “fight or flight.” I started thinking about this when i realized sometimes when im seriously freaked out, being in the dark helps me feel better. Other times i turn on every light in the house. I will reflect on this further, and update as I consider or learn more.

Homo- vs hetero- sexual romance stories/writing.

I just thought Id share an interesting bit of self reflection I did today:

Also, had an interesting line of thought about writing romance. So, 1: romance and I in real life havent always gotten along so well, but I am rather a romantic at heart. 2: I’ve enjoyed straight romance stories (both comedy and tragedy) and also lesbian ones. (No, not porn, romantic dramas.) And basically I was thinking how well 3: if I can enjoy straight and yuri, why not gay? Answer: frankly just havent found a good gay romance story yet, however, upon searching my emotions, I dont think Id feel any different about it than the others if it were well told. So, 4: in conclusion, in my own weird academic way Ive come to the “love is love” propaganda conclusion, and I rather like that. And then the follow-up thought is wondering what itll be like to write non-hetero romance… I dont think it has to be any different really. Other than accurately portraying the emotions and the depth of the characters. Which admitedly is difficult, but, I think I look forward to the challenge, especially since strong undertones in my works are about perspective and equality.

Video Games and Dad: a story of progress

So, I thought Id write a little… piece, not sure if it’s and article or a blog really, about a topic that arose last night.

Some background. I am 25. My father is mid 50s. Late last night we were both winding down. I was playing resident evil on the xbox while listening to an audiobook, had my cat on my lap, dad was playing a word game on his phone, listening to a podcast, had our dog on his lap. Cat and dog, hardcore and casual gamers, young and old. Thought this was an amusing dichotomy.

Now, my dad enjoys games in the broad sense of the word. Chess, poker, crosswords, ‘game’ in the sense of ‘a set of challenges’. But other than playing a bit of Myst and DOOM with me as a kid, he’s never been a “gamer”. (Truthfully, neither am I, if you use the term to refer to the subculture of… ugh. Those people. But, I enjoy games as entertainment and truly believe many are works of art (that’s a whole other series of articles though.)

Aaaanyway, to get to the point, he made small talk, asking me a little about what was going on in the plot and so on, and then it struck me how in just my short lifetime games went from rendering 256 pixels was a big fuckin deal and even one polygon was an astounding breakthrough worthy of Star Trek, and now Im playing a game where just my character’s face has something like 100,000 polygons in it. Just the freakin face. For gods’ sake, his eyebrows are individually rendered.

That much progress. In my life time.

And my dad talked about when he was my age he learned to program computers with freakin punchcards.

…it blew my mind how insanely fast technology is zooming along. And this is just, ya know, casual consumer computing. Dont even get me started on massive corporate/government mainframes and super computers.

So in my father’s father’s time, he saw electricity become the norm and computers begin to appear. In my father’s lifetime he saw computers go from massive arcane machines to microchips. In my lifetime i saw interconnectivity go from BBS boards to… well, this perpetual state of interconnectivity that we’re in now.

….makes you wonder why my children will witness, and their children, and so on, doesnt it?

And that would be one of the major reasons I write scifi. Because damn society, you’re amazing.

…and yet, as some things change, some stay the same. Dogs and cats still go on laps, fathers and sons still try to connect, games have been fun for thousands of years. Its just the how that changes. But it sure is fun to wonder just what next evolution lies around the corner, isn’t it?