About Author

This is the site of Scully (Skull) meant to host my personal blog, short story work, and other related works (as they happen).

EDIT/UPDATE: I felt I ought to give a little more specific information as to sort of why I am doing this. I am incredibly sick. I can’t get normal jobs, had to leave a promising career and college, but have been writing all my life. I don’t believe in deities or fates, but now seems like the perfect time to pursue writing as a career. If I can provide great content for you guys and gals, get you talking, thinking, laughing, crying, reading, and make enough money to live a better life? Well, damn. How amazing is that?

I hope to make friends with many of you, and look forward to hearing your questions, comments, suggestions, requests, whatever. Come, take a look around! share, enjoy. buy a damn book once in a while :p so I can have food. The meatspace has its needs too. I am genuinely excited to be able to bring my stories and thoughts, which gained a little cult following as a teenager, to a wider audience and with better and better content, all the time.

See you round the net, people.

The net is vast and infinite. But I hope to make this a little home for myself and other good people. You’re welcome to come inside and take a look around. Join in if you’d like. The future is coming, and damn near.



Blurby bit bellow:


I write primarily science fiction, though I enjoy branching out into other things some times as the muses guide me. I also write a blog, which you’re welcome to enjoy or ignore at your leisure.

As of time of writing, I’m just trying to get back into the flow of things (life has been weird for a while) and will focus on a daily blog and (ideally) daily short stories. But I plan on having a number of fun other projects too, such as a cyberpunk comedic webcomic created with a comedian friend, possibly a webshow, board games, and other things… we’ll see how the winds of fate blow really.

About me personally?

Science Fiction writer, entrepreneur, and fabulous renaissance man.

I chose the name “wandering skull” as a bit of a pun, referencing the nickname I’ve had since I was about 4 years old (Skull) and my entrepreneurial work, Wanderer.

(Legal disclaimer: any views, opinions, all that jazz expressed here are explicitly mine, and do not necessarily reflect that of my company. This is just me and my crap. I do have a real belief in the vision of my company: that by wandering and discovering new things, be they new cultures, countries, hobbies, whatever, you are bettering yourself and the world. It makes you more open to new ideas, new kinds of people, and helps you grow as a person. I really love the idea that by doing my work, I can help people improve themselves, and even the world… if only a little bit at a time. 🙂 That said, If I say something stupid here, again it’s my fault, not my company. So send your hate mail to me instead, thanks!) (Also note, I don’t intend  to offend anyone, so let me say in advance that I’m sorry for any offense. This should all just be for fun and to get you thinking and hopefully entertained.)

As a child, I  became fascinated by all the travel and adventures I had (wandered the world, did boy scouts and various science camps and so on) and the same goes with science fiction. In scifi, we can see how the world might be some day, maybe someday soon. Science fiction in particular allows us to both just exercise our imaginations, as well as speculate on issues of philosophy, morality, and of course scientific possibility. With fiction we can go on adventures in our minds, and I strongly encourage adventuring both in reality and in fiction. Go make some adventures!

I’m sure you’ll figure out the rest by reading my stuff.


Happy wanderings!



Oh, if you want to contact me/follow me, I made a twitter: @wanderingskull.

And if you’d like to speak directly, email me at thewanderingskull@gmail.com

and if you get to know me well enough, eventually we’ll be on steam :3 Cuz I like steam.

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