I have Facebook stuff too!

I made a facebook group that anyone can join to post questions, comments, start arguments, share their fan art, whatever they want:



And I have a facebook page you can ‘like’ to follow for easy updates on news, new releases of books, self deprecating humor, and so on. 🙂


and, just a reminder, my amazon store page:



I hope to see you all around 🙂


Your continued support means the world to me ^_^ It makes me happy to know I’m making my readers happy.


Early merry xmas or whatever holiday you like, and I look forward to making 2016 a badass year full of great stories for you all to enjoy.



My 2 main methods of creativity

So, there was some interest from people in learning how I come up with things/what is my creative process.

Even as I type this I realized there’s more to it than just the two methods, there’s a lot of stuff that goes along with the methods. I’ll include a bit about that here, too.

So, method 1: Musing (har har)

this method involves 1: finding people who are good foils for it and 2: then talking your jaws off, exchanging ideas, seeing where things go and evolve and flow in the conversation. Even as a pretty darn intelligent guy with a lot of worldly experience, I am always eager to talk to new people because everyone has a new perspective to explore. They become my muse, and I just… explore as many and varied ideas as I can.

Note, however, that in my experience most people are not very good at this. Subjectively this has always been weird to me, as being able to talk at length about… anything, always, always has just been part of who I am. However, I’ve found that some people just… don’t know how to converse, really, and thus while they may have good ideas it’s pulling teeth to get a damn back-and-forth going. So, you know, pick your friends carefully here.

but even so, I’ve also found you can just… talk. (Assuming you’re one of the people who knows how to comfortably talk to anyone) and just… well, talk. to anyone. Talk to the girl behind the checkout counter for a few minutes (assuming you’re not being rude), talk to a cop taking his lunch break, talk to a friend of a friend of a friend, talk to a stranger (not a dangerous looking one, obviously) on the bus. Whatever. Just talk to people, see how they see the world, and see what you can make of it.

Method 2: Dreaming (har har?)

Literally, dreaming. But sometimes it’s… super deep day dreaming, sometimes it’s lucid dreaming. I learned to lucid dream apparently not the typical way but it works for me, so, if you’re curious, here’s how I do it:

You start daydreaming, letting your mind wander deeper and deeper, and over time layer on meditation over it, and eventually it becomes a nap-meditation-dream-imagination-clusterfuck where you’re sort of the Architect of your own little Matrix inside your head. …I won’t lie, it took years and years to do it right, and it takes a lot of effort, but when done right, well, it’s pretty awesome.

Alternately, I just… imagine. A lot. constantly. I have characters I talk to in my head, I studied acting most of my life (and directing and similar theatre things) and will method act characters. I become the character, and just… see what he/she/it says. then I’ll reply as another character. and so on.

It’s… essentially my western interpretation and self-discovery of the old concept of no-mind from the zen tradition. Sorta. But in my western way, where I actually have an extremely active mind, insanely so, but it’s not really me doing it, I just… set up all the dominos and see what happens as they bounce around creating new ideas and interracting with one another.

So, I hope this helps some of you out there! And if not, well, at least you found it interesting.

The important after point I mentioned in the begining though is this:

There’s a LOT more to writing than just… typing, or even coming up with the ideas.

In my opinion and as I’ve been taught, to write well instead of simply writing, you must be aware of and properly address the following:

What are the implications of… basically everything.
EG: why is this character black? white? gay? female? old? a child? what does that say about them, how does that affect the other characters, the world, how they perceive the world, the plot?
…do this for basically every conceiveable data point.
hair color. shape of the buildings. kind of car. socio-political structure. biological realism.
I do. And my favorite works do/did.

…again, I won’t lie, it’s a shitload of work. But that’s sort of the point. If you want to do something right, it’s never easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. So if you’re ready for it, well, strap in and have fun.

That’s also key.

You’ve got to enjoy the process. If you don’t enjoy the process, just want the product? …it’ll be a shitty product, frankly. You have to enjoy the creation stage, ENJOY ripping appart your own ideas and correcting yourself and making sure everything is correct and fits together and makes sense.

That leads me to the other point of what else you should be aware of…

Make it make sense.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve angrily given up on a story (be it a novel, short story, movie, tv series, video game, dnd campaign, radio drama, whatever) because it broke it’s own rules. I informally call this ‘The DBZ problem’… Where the creator says X thing is the most powerful thing in the universe, period, no exceptions, and then 3 episodes later someone else has something more powerful. It’s bullshit. It’s a super lazy shitty way to progress a story.

Have rules for your universe, and stick to them. If you say vampires can’t go out in daylight, then they can’t. and if you really have to have them do so, at least do something creative like the original Blade movie where Frost wears a crapload of sunblock lotion. Something that makes sense in your universe.

…This ties into point 1, they’re really extensions of the same basic idea:


All of it. Every possible detail you can think of. Everything.

I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of notes on the biology and evolution of my scifi races, I did organic chemistry research into making sure they are totally believable.

…fans will note one of them is not, given known science, believeable, but that is explained in exactly that way: they discovered some aspects of science that we haven’t yet. It’s not magic or a cop-out, it’s just unknown at present. Much like, say, dark matter was a century ago, or even magnets were a milenium ago. But that’s my point: Even when I wanted to include something extreme, I went to the effort of a reasonable explanation for it. And it too has laws, it’s not a deus ex machina.  And I stick to those laws fiercely.

So, yes, realize that writing and creating worlds is a HUGE task. and it may seem intimidating.

…it is.

but that’s also the fun of it, if you have the right mindset.

It’s fun to go for long walks in the park with friends for 10 hours straight debating the political structure of an alien civilization or the scientific merrit of a scifi idea. It’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had, and, believe me, I’ve had a lot of fun *wink*. But seriously, Enjoy it. Enjoy the process. It makes the end result so much sweeter for your efforts.

Plus! protip: if you make a consistent universe that is well crafted and thought-out, you can set loads of other stories in there too, just new characters, settings, times, etc. (think of, say, star trek or starwars for example. old republic, rebellion, new republic, jedi perspective, sith perspective, etc etc. Or with star trek, well, voyager, TNG, DS9, etc etc)

So, I hope this has been helpful, Please feel free to email me (or leave a comment) with any questions, comments, whatever you may have. 🙂

email is in the about section but here it is again for good measure: thewanderingskull@gmail.com


Synesthesia, my weird brain, and why Everyone absolutely must play with legos

I was just thinking about a hypothetical question in an imaginary interview, which is kid of a variation on a question I actually do get asked from time to time.

Roughly (though im sure a journalist could phrase it better) the question is “how do you think, or why is it you see things from a, to the rest of us, rather weird perspective?”

Ive had to give an answer to the general thrust of this question a number of times. A few times to psychoanalysts etc but also to just a few curious people after I say one too many weird things and they wanna know what the hell is going on up there.

So… it’s difficult to describe, but I actually find it quite interesting and will do my best to explain.

Part 1: touchy feely shiny brain

Many times when debating something I might say something just doesnt feel right. …and while for most people that is a euphemism, for me it is rather literal. See, from what Im told, I have some variation on synesthesia, which is a condition youre free to look up but briefly, some wires get mixed. The most common form of synesthesia is people perceiving sounds as colors. Whether it is an actual halucination, or merely inside your head (eg, if i ask you to visualize a red ball you dont ACTUALLY see it, but you do ‘see’ it, right? Same idea.) seems to be up to the individual. I  have that too. But my brain takes it a step further… and as youll see, quite a few leaps and bounds beyond that too.

When I hear music, I visualize a color, shape (in the form of a 3d object), its orientation, its position relative to other sounds/objects, how bright it is, and a texture. So… I did an experiment one time to prove the point, and listened to some minimalist techno (so as to have fewer variables and thus less clutter) and tried to note down what I experienced.

First off of course, I heard the sounds. But then I saw a fuzzy, fuzzy like a cat tail, electric deep yet brilliant blue wiggly line over here, and it was going up and down and back and forth on alternating beats. If i remember right, it was a simple synth keyboard loop that was help keeping the beat. Then the drums, slow and regular bass, they kicked in with a hihat finish on each. And there were 3 lime green cylinders over here instead, in a row, with a little golden top kinda like ancient asian rice paddy hat shaped on each. They were in a row, and were very thick and i knew they were heavy. They rose and fell in smooth, regular motion, one after another in a ripple, kinda like pistons in a car.

And so on, you get the general idea.

Weird, right?

But I grew up thinking everyone was like that. I remember arguing whether something as an acousic or electric guitar with my dad when I was about 9 (the radio was on) and he couldnt figure out which part I meant, I kept demanding “the blue part! The blue part! Not the light blue, the darker, kinda blueberry blue! Over there! That part!” And I remember him just going O_o at me.

Cuz, well, I thought everyone saw the music they heard. Made sense to me.

Further, remember I said the blue was “over here” and the green was “over here“? Well, thats because I also think in a sort of zero gravity desk. Right here are people, over here are events, over here are general memories, over here are fears, and in the middle, usually, is new ideas, right up and center where I can see them. But I actually move things around to make them make more sense, rather like rearranging puzzle pieces until you find the damn corner piece.

…however, it gets weirder.

I THINK in shapes, colors, textures, placements, and even associated noises and things.

This… is where it gets really complicated and at best I can say “well it makes sense to me but Im sure it sounds bizarre and/or insane.”

So… I literally think with objects. A new idea starts off as like a blob of silly putty. Unless it already has some connotations with it, in which case it might be more like a rock, or powder, or a bundle of sticks… lots of things.

Example. A “person” in the vaguest, purest platonic ideal form in my head is a blob of green putty stuff, about the size of a football, and kinda looks like a cell begining to split, with a smaller sphere starting to nudge its way out of the top. Or like a melted snowman, if you prefer a less nerdy analogy. Now… if its male, generally it then moves slightly off center left, and vice versa for females. Then… well, all kinds of color, texture, weight, orientation/position, shapes, material added and removed, other types of material added or removed… and so on. And thats how I think. I also think in words and pictures and such like normal people, but when im mulling over an idea, thats whats happening. Im molding this thing until it makes sense, until it feels right. Im shaving off a rough patch or sticking on a chunk of something else over here or breaking off a spiney protrusion and trying to figure out how to smooth off the broken base… and thats me thinking. Again, along with also an internal monolgue and imagery and such, but theyre sorta… floating around it, like people or tvs positioned around me. And I do this until it ‘makes sense.’

People usually then ask how I can tell it makes sense. Does it become a particular color? Does it interract with another object and they connect or something?

Well, sometimes sure, but thats not the indicator that its ‘right’

….and this is again where its hard to explain. It is thought without language. Ive studied (partially) over a dozen languages in my life, and spent plenty of time looking up scientific and medical jargon or anything I might find to get the right words. As of time of writing and my research, the right words dont exist.

I just… feel it. Kinda like, oh, feeling youre going to have diarrhea later. How do you know? Well… cuz my stomach feels like it. Feels like what? Feels like diarrhea.

Same idea. How do I interpret my shapes and such? I… interpret them by dint of their being themselves. I know its done because… its done. How do I know its done? …because its done. It sounds stupid but I really just dont have the words for it. Again, how do you know youre tired? Well, when you get tired. And how do you know when you get tired? …when youre tired.

Oh, a thought:
Another way to think of it might be… I was thinking about when I first started learning kanji, and my whole life kanji always looked like goobledegook nonsense. They looked like an inkwell pen exploded, it was just a mess of lines in bullshit nauseating patterns. Then after about a week of studying, I saw the side of the box for my new phone and read “cell phone” in kanji in my head, without thinking. I did NOT translate it, I just… knew what it MEANT.

…its kinda like that. Kris has asked me what he looks like in my head, since Ive gotten to know him on a fairly personal level and thus have refined his shape a lot over the years, adding and removing, changing color and so on and so forth. Kris looks like… a large-ish sphere, maybe a bit smaller than a dodgeball. He is very very smooth, like polished glass, but also slightly sticky and squishy, i suppose like a giant polished piece of taffy. He is a gentle orangey-peach color with white tiger stripes and swirls. He has a couple pyramidal shapes that are much harder, like stone, and rougher but clean cut and still shiny that stick out at seemingly odd angles. Whenever i try to focus on one, they move around. I think there are about 5, maybe up to 8 of these pyramids on his surface. Theyre not always there. Kris also has a light source behind and to the left of him, relative to my vision… and is not quite a perfect ball shape, its slightly squished out like a skittles candy but much less pronounced, its only a slight squish. There is also occassionally a small black oval on the surface, but it too moves around like the pyramid shapes and I cant wipe it off no matter how hard I try.

….now to any psych students or professionals reading this, hope it got you curious. I certainly find it weird.

It could also explain why I love manipulating little objects so much, like clay… and legos

Which brings me into part 2: lego brain

So, not only do i have these shapes for thoughts, but they also interract. Some even fit together and move like mechanical engineering parts such as gears and levers, or get glued on to another to become part of a bigger whole, or popped off and reused elsewhere.

And… again, I’m sure this sounds weird to you who dont think like this. Because, well, trying to explain it shows me how weird it is and I live it, Im sure it sounds a hundred times as bizarre to someone who cant experience it.

However… it does bring me to a bit of a point, besides “arent human brains super cool and weird? Neato!”

I think everyone should play with legos, at least as children, and hell, still to this day if you can. Even if you just buy a baggie of those 2x4s and fiddle with them… i genuinely think youll see a change in the clarity of your thought and new solutions, new possibilities.

I certainly do.

When i build with legos, things… fall into place. Its like phsyically manipulating those strange thought blobs I think in, but in reality. When i build up that wall, a thought seems… sturdier, more correct. When I make the plane more aerodynamic, im streamlining a process idea. I feel it is very much a “life imitates art” situation, but “legos imitate subconscious problems and make them feel more fixable.”

I really recommend playing with legos while grappling with some difficult decision. Just let your hands do their thing. Dont have a plan, just have a box of em and build… whatever you build.

Kinda like… interpreting dreams, I guess. You can see what your subconscious is fretting about, through your hands. If you dream about, say, hospitals a lot, maybe youre worried about your health. And if you keep building cars and trains, maybe you really want to travel. Not sure, but its a thought to consider.

Legal warning: of course as I am not a licensed professional in either medical or psyciatric care I cannot dispense medical advice. These opinions and observations are simply that: opinions and observations. Try them at your own risk, I will not be held liable.

…i mean think of the dangers. You could drop one in the carpet and step on it in the night. Terrible.

Anyway, back to my point(s?). Legos and clay are really amazing things for helping thinking, and for just… they make the world make more damn sense, man. Not to mention how surprisingly calming it is to just fiddle with something. Further, there is a good little warm fuzzy sense of accomplishment once your sculpture/house/space ship/whatever is completed. I made that. I accomplished a thing. A small thing, but a thing. Hell, thats why there is a product called “thinking putty.”

Thinking putty too is a great help to me. Its… maleable. First off its simply distracting, and I suspect distracting certain bits of the brain frees up others to concentrate better at the issue you really want to focus on. I think Ive read that in some science journal somewhere. It makes sense, at least.

And further, for me personally, I can look at the blob in my hands and stretch it. And then… no, thats not right. Fold it. No… squish it, start over. I fold and stretch and twist and squish and fiddle with it for ages, and… again, Im not a neuroscientist but I can tell you anecdotally from my experience, it really does help me think. Hence the good, if rather blunt, product name.

Also, no, neither company has paid me to write this or has any idea who I am. I again am just writing… well rambling really, about some interesting brain stuff and related things.
…though, thinking putty, lego… if yall wanna send me free stuff, I wouldnt say no XD.

But thats not why Im talking here. Im here to share something I and a few others have found really interesting: my weird brain, and to discuss how it relates to other things, like mechanical engineering and art.

Speaking of…

Theres a game on steam called world of guns (again, nope, not sponsored.) That I one day just kinda figured “eh what the hell Im bored out of my mind and its free, Ill give it a shot.” So… its not really a game per se anymore than say a jigsaw puzzle or rubicks cube is a game. The game consists of taking apart a gun down to every last little pin and bolt and spring, then putting it all back together again. Well, theres also challenges like doing it without any errors or under a certain time, but thats basically it. Oh, and you can see it in action (mechanically) in various levels of slow-mo, to really see exactly what parts are moving or compressing etc. Frankly, its a learning tool.

But I loved it. Still do, though I dont really have much time for it these days.

I found taking apart and putting back together a colt 1911 to be the most profoundly deep meditation I have ever had in a lifetime of meditating. It was… enthralling, yet utterly relaxed. It was intense and required incredible focus to do correctly, and yet it was also so slow, calm, peaceful, and quiet… it was marvellous.

I actually really want to buy a 1911, dont even need bullets, just so I can take it apart and put it back together again over and over for real with my actual hands, whenever I really want to relax or meditate or even help counter an anxiety attack. I may never even fire the thing, itd just be like the legos or thinking putty. A hand to brain connection.

So what about that is so profound, for such a simple premise and goal?

I discussed that with my dad, and he thinks its because I have to keep track of hundreds of little pieces all in the right order, but theres also no penalty, no rush, no urgency. I can just really let my mind think about ONE thing. That damn spring. Im not thinking about my shitty exes or my illness or my scary work or anything besides making sure I pull the pins out in the right order. That is the only thing that matters in my universe right now. Just thinking about the pins, the springs, and nothing else.

Which is the same reason I love thinking putty and legos

And encourage all of you to try all 3. To me, theyre brilliant. See how you feel about them?

Thats all for now. I could go on, like about how when Im composing or playing piano music I can hear when I do a note wrong, but I also see it wrong in my head, it kinda looks like when you get those damn air bubbles trapped under a sheet of protective plastic you know? A little imperfection, a dent or bump where there shouldnt be. And by god does it irk me. To me, piano music usually looks like an unrolling sheet of satin, in a rich, dark purple. And a missed note is a little crease or pinch which is bright blue and messes it all up. Which is also why if you hear me play and make a mistake, I do that whole section over again, because a new fabric has to unfold again in my mind otherwise that blue dot drives me mad.

Also, on a fun note, I can’t read sheet music. Well, sorta kinda barely. I know the basic shapes of whole, half, quarter etc notes, and I get that if you go up the bars it gets higher, go down, lower. I get that. But I cant look at a chord and just go “oh, C minor.” Or whatever. …im working on it. I used to be quite good at piano as a kid actually but I learned by just parroting the teacher as best I could and then doing it over and over until 1: i had the whole song memorized and 2: it just… sounded right. The blue bumps were gone, and the fabric rolled out smoothly.

So now as an adult trying to relearn piano is haaaaaard D: but thats a story for another day.

For now, I hope you found this all interesting, and maybe a little inspirational.


PS: also, I once remade deck-16 (an unreal tournament famous map. Google it.) out of lego, which might be the coolest thing I ever did with them besides the robot kits (which are awesome)
PPS: I wrote this originally sort of out of desperation. Something was very not right, I felt extremely intensely holy shit Im going to die sick. I needed a distraction. Now. Think of something happy. Um um um um legos. …you know, I sorta think in legos, in a way. ….you know, people have asked me to explain my weird brain before, with the whole shapes thing… you know, that could make a good article. …you know, I have my phone…  yeah. Here goes.

Which is why this is full of nonsequitors and typos, Im sure. Im most likely twigging out from the new meds, but typing this out really helped a lot actually. Hmm.

PPPS: art teacher suggested I make sculptures of how I see certain songs. I dont have the materials for it now, but would anyone be interested in seeing that?

10 ways to have a better, happier morning

So, lots of people aren’t ‘morning people’

I don’t exactly fall into this category, since it implies people who have difficulty waking up. I do not. However, I am often a grumpy grouch in the morning because… well, there’s plenty to be grumpy about.

So, I have found a few things that make mornings better.

1: waking up with/near your sexy significant other.

Don’t have one at the moment, but in the past I do remember this was a really good way to start the day in a good mood.

2: Listening to this song, or something similar:

because the best thing about symphonic power metal is being able to belt it out. so when you’re giggling and yelling along to THOOOOOORN INNNN MYYYYY SIIIIIIIIDEEEE its harder to feel sad, because you feel goofy

3: grab cat/dog and dance with them for a minute.

if its a big dog, like a waltz, if its a smaller thing or a cat, kinda like keyboard cat. Its silly, and if you do it in a friendly way they don’t mind and again, its hard to be grumpy when you’re being silly.

4: drug ‘o choice

for most people it’s coffee but since I can’t have caffeine anymore with this medication, I go with my ecig. Gives you that lil chemical jump start to the day

5: take your damn pills (or whatever medical thing you have to do)

when you realize haflway into your day that you forgot to take your medication, whatever it may be, it is extremely irritating and will undo all of the happiness you just created. Also, if you forget things like your heart medication, you could die, which would make the day go from crappy to ultra shitty in a heart beat. har har.

6: Frankly, sex/fap

Libido is a big part of being human, assuming you’re in the age bracket to be reading this in the first place, and I won’t cite them here out of brevity but all kinds of good neurochemical goodness happens during/after sex and orgasm. So… go have one. or a couple, if you’ve got time.

7: read something funny.

I recommend things like XKCD or Cyanide and Happiness, joke-a-day fun things that’ll make you laugh and again, increase your good mood.

8: Think of at least 3 reasons why today will be less shitty than yesterday

they can range from huge reasons, such as finally getting that new job or promotion or married or whatever, to little things like hey, at least that cut on my finger has healed by now. just find a couple somethings, anythings, that are slightly better than yesterday

9: If able, talk to someone.

About anything, really. Human contact in general, even just making small talk about the TV show you saw last night or your new project or how nice/crap the weather is today, will get you into a sightly better mood to deal with the frankly inevitable bullshit that someone is going to cause today. Let’s face it: people can be annoying as all hell. at some point today, someone is going to annoy you, or even truly anger you or hurt you. Its gonna happen. Could be anything from fat dude sweats on you in the confined space of the elevator and now you smell like him to boss screaming at you and firing you, or hell, getting mugged or something. bad things happen. but, the more you have positive human contact, the less the negative humans get to you, in my experience (and according to some shrinks I’ve talked to and a buddhist priest lecturing about happiness in a lecture I read a few years ago, so, experts on cheering the fuck up.)

and 10: Smile, damnit.

I read a really cool study about how basically you can trick your brain by reversing the input. Normally you think it goes “angry emotion–> neurons fire–> move face into scowl” and similar. But actually they’ve found by just smiling at nothing in particular, hell just smile at the door knob for 30 seconds, can actually make you brain go “face muscles are smiling–> neuron messages–> Oh, i must be happy. I’m happy now.”

….it’s weird, but I’ve tried it a number of times and totally works. give it a shot.

So, since it’s monday and I know people hate mondays in general, I thought I’d share a lil bit of wisdom I’ve gained over the years of being a mentally ill wreck and learning how to cheer up. Basically, a super sad person who is trying not to be sad is a really good resource for finding out how not to be, and that’s a little of what I’ve tried to share with you today.

I hope I’ve helped!

Comment down below if you have your own rituals or suggestions. I have friends who pray to their favorite saint every morning, since I’m an atheist I can’t really comment but I think the psychology is similar to a combo of a couple of the things I listed: basically forcing yourself to think about a good thing puts you in the mood to be nicer/good-er person. Makes sense.


How the mighty have fallen: on mental illness.

This is a post… sorta for me. To be honest and get some thoughts out.

I am very, very, very sad. And… frightened, which is a fairly new emotion for me, more on that later… and disappointed.

I used to find writing and creativity SO EASY. And hell, joy was easy. Lots of things got me excited and happy. I had lots of friends. I used to find writing as easy as breathing, which ironically itself is extremely hard and stressful.

To readers who can just… draw a breath, without worrying itll be your last? Treasure that you lucky mother fuckers. I was told something similar by a guy in a wheelchair once. Now every time I climb something, i think of all the people who cant. Being an atheist I dont exactly pray for them, but, theyre in my thoughts.

I have attempted suicide a couple times in the past. And its getting harder and harder to resist doing so again now. Im trying desperately to cling on to some hopes: maybe if this site kicks off, i can have a career again, despite being sick. Maybe my stories will help someone or make them laugh. Maybe ill make new friends. Maybe what ive read is true and my form of mental illness is treatable, and if I just hold on a little longer, things will work out.

I cling to these ideas like a drowning man clings to flotsam.

But Ill keep clinging. For now.

I do appreciate the humor of, well, people have been telling me 1: write from the heart and 2: stop writing so much sad shit, cheer up for christsakes.

But what I feel most of the time… is pretty awful.

Im going to make a huge effort to write more happy things, because in writing happy shit i do feel a little less upset. For a while.

…About that fear issue. Growing up, i was like the Emperor’s Chosen. THEY SHALL KNOW NO FEAR. it wasnt machismo or anything, its just in general i didnt do fear. 6 much bigger dudes than i abusing a girl? I took them all on myself to save her. Because that was my duty as a good person. Help the weak and the innocent. And I won. I used to jump off trees to practice action movie rolls just for fun. I had a goliath spider in my hair at the zoo and just thought it was funny. Ive faced down guns in my face, muggers with knives, all kinds of scary shit, and I had no fear.

And then something changed.

I cant put my finger on when, but suddenly, i might even sob if i see a bug in my house. Just break down crying. I have flashbacks to all those violent shitty events, and instead of focusing on how i saved a life and i should be proud of myself, my brain just repeats the part where i got punched in the eye and threw up during the fight over, and over, and over, and over. And i can smell the blood and the pavement and I can feel the pain and i am AFRAID.

This has been growing for a couple years now. Bursts of it here and there. A few days at a time, spread out over months. Come to think of it, it basically started when i got sick and my life turned upside down.

It is… very weird for me to feel afraid. Its hard to explain but i just wasnt afraid much of ever growing up. Oh sure nightmares and scary movies and whatnot but not actual TERROR.

Now… for the past week I have been, for lack of a better description, FREAKING THE FUCK OUT CONSTANTLY. i wake up, have about 90 seconds of remembing that silly dream with all the puppies in a tube and they were playing with stalker artifacts like tennis balls and then BAM “what if my dog died in his sleep? Wheres my dog? Why doesnt he answr my calls, does he hate me now? Why, what did I do to him? Oh god even my best buddy dog doesnt love me anymore. What happens when he does die. I see him lying on the cold metal vet table, im trying to stroke his face but he refuses to look at me, he hates me. He wants to die alone and bitter, just like inam going to do.” And so on, into darker and darker and more horrible directions.

And this continues for the rest of the day.

Every day.

From what Ive read and talked to a shrink about, it sounds like I have severe OCD. I have to have a fan blowing on me, or Ill get another asthma attack. Even when im breathing cool fresh air with no wheeze, im convinced one will start any second if the air isnt moving over my face. I have other… quirks (compulsions) too.


On the bright side, I have also read this is a totally treatable mental illness. Ive just gotta hold on for a little bit longer.

And i am trying to stay positive, I really am trying so incredibly hard.

But that explains the flip floppity nature of my posts lately.

Looking back on this, its really just for me. Dunno what you could get out of it. But i felt i really needed to say somethibg to anyone who would listen, and right now it seems Im the only one.

So, hi scull. For the sake of those stories you want to write, hold in there. For the sake of finally finding a mate who isnt spawn of Lilith and Khorne, who really loves you for you and you for her, hang in there. For the sake of your ideas to help other people, hang in there. For the sake of friends as yet unfound, hang in there.

Just hang on a little longer.


Update. My dog hopped up on my bed to snuggle. That helps a little.